Customer Support Rep


03/19/2021 JR: Sent email with interview link

03/22/2021 JR: Interview scheduled for 03/25 @9 am

03/25/2021 JR: Candidate was previously enrolled with Arise for a brief stand up to cancer campaign. When attempting to enroll in another opportunity, Candidate was tagged to Melissa Adams (Work at Home Solutions) who charged her over $200 for a certification course. Between the back and forth experience with Melissa Adams the candidate was eventually refunded her money, but has a bad taste in her mouth about Arise. Candidate is not currently listed under any IBO. Candidate may be listed as a sole proprietor or an IBO herself.

James Rollins
In 2015, James Rollins founded Ticket Island, Inc. with a vision to bring everyone together one event at a time.

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