Customer Support Rep
01/20/2021 JR: Emailed a meeting link to the candidate for an interview.
01/20/2021 JR: Candidate scheduled interview on 01/21/2021 @ 9:30 AM.
01/21/2021 JR: In the interview, the candidate has stated that he has worked with Arise back in 2005 and did not make it out of training because it was a long time not to be paid. I advised him that training is now broken into 2 sessions and that depending on the client, phase 2 of training is paid. The candidate also did not like the fact that he is being charged to use the platform. I advised him that we will pay the platform fees as long as he meets our minimum hourly requirements as well as the servicing client’s performance metrics. The candidate stated that he is not interested in the opportunity.